This site is dedicated to the memory of Big P/Pob.

Paul (Big P/Pob) was born in Birmingham on July 02, 1980. He is much loved and will always be remembered by all his family and friends


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Seventeen years have flown by fast by Each day in my heart and head I cry I miss the rows, giggles and stuff How you lot used to play about rough But now the house is quiet and just hush No one running in and out in a rush No one saying Marsha with a smirky grin Asking for a favour while rubbing his chin There's a million things I need to share with you I chat away and tell you stuff, if you hear I wish I knew Family is bigger, lives have moved on too But the new generation knows of you I tell stories of all your pranks of childhood The naughty ones the daft ones and the good. But more than anything I hope you know That we all miss you but rarely say so My heart aches and scream inside But we smile and our feelings we hide You were a pain in the ass and a lot of fun My No1 son who made me a mum I loved you in life in death I love you too That night we said our last "I love you" You went to sleep never again to wake The path to your cloud you did take Paul you're missed so much and more I look and wish you'd walk through the door Sleep on my munchkin I know you're OK I love you more than I can say Love ya Pob xx
Mum / Marsha
15th October 2024
So here we are at that time of year. I say I love you and shed a tear. Only now after 16 years I almost cope. And this year I'm really not going to mope. I still love you more than words can say So we're making this a happy, busy day With family and friends all well aware Of just how much my heart has a tear It's the part that ripped when you fell alseep Like the promise to me you just couldn't keep All forgiven but never from my mind at all You are and will forever be my No1 son Paul You showed me grief, you made me a mum In between life was good , bad and then some Twiddle of your fingers and that smirky look That smile of yours got you out my bad book, I'd swap the world to banter, have one more row You're making me giggle just thinking of it now But sadly it's quiet and you're sleeping forever Enjoy the peace until we are back together. Cos earache I owe you is mounting in piles So you'd best be saving up those smiles Until then just enjoy your peaceful sleep And in my heart and mind you I will keep Missing you so much Little un and I forgive you ❤️
Marsha aka mum
15th October 2023
Well loads going on and gone on -- sod all is going as expected but we all still get up and carry on I miss you more than anyone knows and more than I thought possible Just let me know you're around occasionally x
15th October 2022
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